Assignments on first 9 weeks grade report
- Safety Contract due 8/15 Points: 25
- Safety Poster due 8/14 Points: 100
- Safety Quiz due 8/15 Points: 80
- Bellwork check due 8/15 Points: 40
- Bellwork due 8/18 Points: 10
- Bellwork due 8/19 Points: 10
- Bellwork due 8/20 Points: 10
- Measurement lab pt.1 due 8/20 Points: 20
- Measurement lab pt.2 due 8/21 Points: 20
- Safety & Measurement Quiz due 8/22 Points: 70
- Properties of Matter lab 1.1 due 8/26 Points: 64
- Properties of Matter Reading guides due 8/27 Points: 20
- Properties of Matter lab 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 due 9/4 Points: 50
- Bellwork due 9/4 Points: 11
- Bellwork due 9/5 Points: 10
- Properties of Matter lab 3.1 due 9/8 Points: 42
- Reading article due 9/9 Points: 10
- Properties of Matter worksheet 3 due 9/9 Points: 11
- Article Readings due 9/10 Points: 20
** Progress Report given at this point **
- Bellwork check due 9/17 Points: 11
- Bellwork check due 9/18 Points: 12
- Density Test due 9/19 Points: 100
- Workpage 5 due 9/22 Points: 7
- Properties of Matter lab 5.1 due 9/22 Points: 15
- Measuring article/questions due 9/23 Points: 20
- Article reading guide due 9/24 Points: 5
- Properties of Matter Lab 6.1 due 9/24 Points: 32
- Article reading guide due 9/25 Points: 5
- Properties of Matter lab 7.1 due 9/25 Points: 25
- Text Reading and workpages 27/28 due 9/26 Points: 22
Tentative assignments through the end of the nine weeks
- Properties of Matter Test Module 1 due 10/2 Points: 100
- Properties of Matter Lab Test Module 1 due 10/3 Points: 40
- Bellwork check due 10/1 Points: 10
- Chapter 3.1 workpages due 9/29 Points: 20
- Chapter 3.2 workpages due 9/30 Points: 20
- Properties of Matter Lab 11.1 due Points: 30
- Matter workpage due Points: 12
- Properties of Matter Lab 12.1 due Points: 15
- Workpages due Points: 30
- Properties of Matter articles due Points: 20
- Bellwork check due Points: 40
Note: These are tentative assignments for the first quarter. As assignments are given due dates will be placed on here, also assignments subject to change.
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